Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Little Monkey

To this point, I have kept my blog all business - session images, business updates, specials, new products, etc. But I have decided to begin sharing more about myself - my life, my family, what inspires me, and so on. It's important for clients to know more about the person behind the camera, to whom they're trusting their family memories.
so I will begin by sharing a little about Sarah, my 20-month-old (yes, 20 months today - eek!). I captured her playing with one of her favorite toys, her Fisher Price Zoo. It made me giggle too that she was wearing her little monkey pajamas. I'm amazed at how much she's learned about these animals - she knows certain animals, makes some sounds, puts them in the right spot. She's even learned to say 'seal' (and sometime she makes the sound too). And of course, ev-ery-thing must ride on the swing!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Laura, she is so beautiful. Miss Em has those same jammies. I need to look into the Fisher Price zoo! Thanks for sharing the pictures!